About Tuna Atlas VRE
The Tuna Atlas VRE is a tool to handle public domain data from various (Tuna) Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (T-RFMOs). Data include catches, fishing efforts and size frequencies of the species managed by the five tuna RFMOs:
Tuna Atlas provides services to discover the available datasets at regional and global levels, extract them in several formats widely used by the scientific community (e.g. CSV, NetCDF, SDMX) and visualize them in an interactive web-viewer of indicators and maps. It also includes tools for the users to generate their own Tuna atlas by applying own processing (e.g. applying specific choices for scientific corrections) on the tuna RFMOs data.
Target Users:
Scientists: to discover available public domain data on tuna fisheries, understand and reproduce the workflow that has been applied to generate a dataset (eventually modifying it using their own expertise), download the data in the format that they are used to work with, store newly produced datasets and share them to the community;
Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: to give more visibility to their data and more transparency to the processing steps driving to the datasets used as inputs for stocks assessments, and to provide tools to facilitate data extraction and visualization to anyone interested in tuna fisheries;
Non Governmental Organizations, policy makers, general public: to visualize tuna fisheries data at regional or global scale though interactive web-viewers
- The Tuna Atlas VRE enables to access data discovery, storing, sharing, access, process, visualization services through a single environment.
- This environment is collaborative: anyone can enrich it with new data and processes, making them available to the whole community.
- The services proposed by the VRE can be used outside of its context: they can easily be integrated within other websites. As an example, the interactive web-viewer of indicators and maps can be ported within partners websites.
- The VRE offers powerful on-line computing resources and unloads users from recurrent issues when sharing data or codes and working locally - like software version issues.
Terms of Use:
The registration to Tuna Atlas is open to anybody but moderated by the VRE manager. Click on "Request Access". The VRE manager will receive your request and evaluate whether to grant you access. More information is available on the wiki page of the Tuna Atlas VRE.
Scientific questions (Emmanuel Chassot), IT infrastructure (CNR), Mediator (Paul Taconet for IRD, Anton Ellenbroek for FAO).
Tuna RFMOs, data, data harmonization, Open Data, Open Source codes, Open Science, Reproducible Science, Collaboration
Main Services & functionalities:
The main functionalities delivered by this VRE with graphical or programmatic interfaces to be used within or out of this VRE (within a Web page though OpenCPU javascript API or desktop clients / softwares like QGIS, OpenLayers or programming languages like R, APIs (Java Geotoolkit, Python...)) are:
Metadata server to edit and browse metadata to locate relevant datasets and processes:
CSW services and OGC metadata: Thredds, geonetwork, CKAN,
Data server to access datasets through different data formats and protocols
Download service (http protocol): using various (open) data formats like CSV or NetCDF files (from workspace URLs and Thredds),
OGC Web Services (WMS/WFS/WCS) delivered by Geoserver, Thredds,
OPeNDAP protocol: Thredds (for NetCDF / NCML files)
Postgres database: accessible to anybody (connection information),
Processing server with parameterization of processes (transform data structures and store data with different formats, apply filters and corrections to the data, compute fisheries indicators):
Compilation environment for R (RStudio IDE),
Code deployment environment for R to set up Web Processing Services (based on WPS 52 North),
Tabular data management and SDMX data generation.
Visualization and reporting services to display data using built in web-viewers or prepare data for (re)use in external viewers:
Integrated web-viewer
Web applications and portlets (OpenCPU): dynamic indicators and automated reports (e.g. Automated report example or Web mapping interface example).
Disseminate Web Applications outside the VRE, e.g. in partners website or through GIS Connectors for external GIS Tools (WPS client).
Open Source codes server (ongoing): GitHub, example of codes and Github repository URLs ( IRD Tuna Atlas repository).
Background Information:
Schema of the workflow: the Figure below illustrates the workflow to collate datasets from the different tuna RFMOs, turn the data into standardized format which can be loaded into a spatialized datawarehouse and used to generate a set of services and indicators
Related presentations and reports:
ABNJ 3rd Steering Committee (July 2016, FAO, Rome, Italy): presentation and related note,
ICCAT SC-STATS (October 2016, Madrid, Spain): presentation and related note,
IOTC WPDCS12 (November 2016, Victoria, Seychelles): presentation and related note,
IATTC (December 2016, San Diego, CA, USA): presentation,
Global Fishing Watch (december 2016, Google, San Francisco, CA, USA): same presentation as IATTC,
RDA (April 2017, Barcelona, Spain): the Tuna Atlas is a good use case to illustrate Fisheries data interoperability issues,
Tuna Atlas has been developed under the BlueBRIDGE contract (Grant Agreement 675680 with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme) and is a collaboration between the following partners: IRD, FAO, (Tuna) RFMOS (IOTC, ICCAT, IATTC, WCPFC, CCSBT), ISSF, CNR.
Depending on data producers, some of the Tuna Atlas datasets will be made available with DOIs (eg ) and archived in Zenodo. Same for codes.
Access this VRE
Access the Tuna Atlas VRE with your D4Science credentials.